Monday, November 30, 2015

Ainsley {Newborn}

Seriously, how sweet is Ainsley?!  At the time of her session, she was only four days old and just an itty bitty peanut.  She did wonderfully during her session and was full of adorable little smiles.  I'm smitten!

 I had so much fun using our new wraps to bundle up Ainsley.  She loved it!  So happy to be snug and swaddled.

I also got the opportunity to use a few of our new headband.  I think this rose colored wrap and vintage style headband might be one of my favorite combinations.  Such a perfect compliment to this sweet little girl.

Ainsley was so content and happy snuggled in the fur lined basket.  I love how this set up turned out.  She looks so peaceful and gorgeous!

Ainsley's mom and dad brought along a Hawkeyes dress for her to wear for her session.  Unfortunately, being only six pounds, the dress was too big on her.  Thankfully, one of the new wraps was the perfect Hawkeye gold.  Love this nod to the Hawkeyes without being over the top.

Ainsley's mom and dad also brought along her daddy's softball mitt.  A few years back, they met playing softball and their love story began.  Just a little over a year before Ainsley's newborn session, I was out on the softball field in Coralville capturing their engagement session.  It was a perfect touch to add to Ainsley's newborn session.

At the end of our session, we got some great shots of the new family.  Beautiful!

Congratulations to Tristan and Dane!  Ainsley is simply adorable!!  Thank you so much for allowing me to capture her newborn portraits.  It was an absolute pleasure!

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