Still not finished editing, but I thought I'd take a break and share a few more from Ben & Renee's wedding last weekend. I should be finishing up their pictures sometime tonight or tomorrow.
I was just looking through my wedding folder and noticed there were a few more shots from Tom & Chelsea's wedding I had wanted to share but not gotten around to it. So without further ado, there they are.
Last Saturday I had a wonderful time photographing Ben & Renee's wedding. They are such a sweet couple. Ben is in the Air Force and Renee teaches elementary school Spanish. They had their wedding at First United Methodist in Iowa City, the church Renee grew up as a member of. The church was beautiful. After the ceremony we headed to City Park to get some outdoor shots. Then it was off to their reception at the Sheraton.
I'm not quite 1/2 way through the editing, so check back for more pictures. But I thought I'd share what I've gotten edited so far. They are such a gorgeous couple!
Yesterday I photographed Henry & Meika. You may remember Henry, he was in a few months ago for his one month portraits. My how he's grown! He is now 4 months old and just as adorable as ever. His big sister, Meika was in for her 2 year portraits. I have been taking her pictures since she was 6 months old. It is so wonderful to see how she's grown. It seems like time has flown by though.
Today I had a great session with the first time mommy-to-be, Beth. She was so sweet and great to work with. Her belly is beautiful and she is radiant. I think we got some wonderful and artistic shots today.
Today I took some professional portraits of Mark. He is a lawyer in Iowa City and wanted to update his portrait on his website. I took his photos last year as well. He is a great subject to work with and we got some nice shots.
Last Saturday, I photographed Ryan & Carla's 4th of July wedding. It was so much fun working with them and their very large wedding party. Ryan is a marine stationed at Camp Lejuene, so 4th of July was the perfect date for them. Unfortunately mother nature decided to rain and we didn't make it to any outdoor locations, but we still had fun with the alter shots.